An agricultural swampland
hidden among the Pacific bluffs...
Manchester Square sparked to life out of the unique balance
between the hog farms and the small airport of Mines Field
Soon we would come to know Mines Field as LAX
It would later devour Manchester Square
First communities develop along the coast
One of which is Surfridge just West of Mines Field
Mines Field selected as site for a small municipal airport for Los Angeles
The region expands
Housing develops on all sides of Mines Field
The community hosts an equestrian event in the 1932 Summer Olympics
With the onset of World War II, the community booms.
Thousands of new homes are built for war workers
Mines Field is designated for military use
By the end of the war
the community proliferates
And with the end of the war
enters the jet age
Mines Field transforms into Los Angeles International Airport
Beginning of commercial flights
Manchester Square flourishes as community
Much of the community working in aerospace engineering and in aviation
With jets and heightened air traffic
came noise and need for expansion
Surfridge disappears when the City of Los Angeles declares eminent domain due to noise concerns and need for airport expansion
1967 - 1975
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"Good Old Guys"